Got Sales Performance?

Launching Outsell’s Sales Performance Benchmark Study

Anthea Stratigos
Outsell, Inc.


Because most of our industry’s budgets are tied to enterprise departments, Outsell has made sure to write about slower than usual growth in the information industry. The bottom-line is that enterprises fund data and information. If you want proof, look at our industry stats going back forever, and they’re the same for 2016.

This means, most companies can only grow organically in low single digits, and it’s been that way, on average, for a long time. We don’t see it changing, as our economy is growing in single digits and in emerging markets there is faster growth but the phenomenon is the same.

So, this means growth comes from a couple of predictable sources: M&A, going after new budgets, capturing more budget through price increases, or slugging it out for market share. In order to capture the last two, typically companies must add value to offerings (see post on our data pyramid), and it requires more solution and challenger selling. Enter the biggest lament of data and information CEOs I know. Where are the good sales people? How do I optimize sales performance? How do I know if I am performing better than my peers?

We’ve got just the solution for you — we’ve hired a new practice leader to develop an entire array of syndicated and custom solutions for our industry, and in early 2018 we’ll have a small event dedicated to this topic. To get started, we’ve launched a new multi-client study focused on looking at the attributes and KPIs that drive sales performance and a benchmarking program to help CEOs answer these questions for themselves and their board. To learn more about this new study, contact Don Best at We look forward to helping you sell better today. You’ll learn more about this topic at Outsell’s Signature Event, where Don will share some of his perspectives on best practices and findings. Register today, October 4–5 at the Boston Harbor Hotel. Happy Selling!

Anthea C. Stratigos is Co-founder & CEO of Outsell, Inc., the leading research and advisory firm focused exclusively on data, media, information, and technology. Get professional and personal lessons from a career spent mentoring successful leaders. Tell your story or ask a question — confidentially. Ask Anthea!



Anthea Stratigos is a Silicon Valley CEO, wife, mother, public speaker, and writer, among many other passions and pursuits. She is Co-founder & CEO of Outsell.